Email Marketing Strategies

Last Update March 25, 2023
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1 already enrolled

About This Course

Email Marketing Strategies Workshop is a hands-on training session that provides participants with the opportunity to learn and apply email marketing best practices to their businesses. This workshop covers a range of topics including building a subscriber list, crafting effective email content, designing visually appealing emails, using segmentation and personalization to target specific audiences, optimizing email delivery and timing, and analyzing email campaign performance. Participants will have the chance to work through exercises and case studies to apply what they learn and gain valuable insights from their peers and the workshop facilitator. By the end of the workshop, participants will have the skills and knowledge to develop and implement successful email marketing campaigns that drive business growth.

Learning Objectives

Building a targeted email list
Crafting personalized and engaging email content
Using segmentation and personalization to target specific audiences
Optimizing email delivery and timing
Designing visually appealing emails
Incorporating calls-to-action (CTAs) to drive engagement and conversions
A/B testing subject lines, email content, and CTAs
Analyzing email campaign performance to refine and improve future campaigns
Automating email campaigns for increased efficiency and effectiveness
Complying with relevant regulations and best practices, such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM laws.

Material Includes

  • Included in the Basic Edition
  • Included in the Premium Edition
  • Included in the Team Edition
  • Included in the Enterprise Edition


  • No prerequisite knowledge or experience needed.
  • All instructions is sent out after purchase

Target Audience

  • Marketing professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, freelancers, salespeople, corporations, startups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), e-commerce managers, and anyone interested in learning how to use email marketing to reach and engage with their audience


2h 20m

Email Marketing Strategies

39 $

Duration 2.3 hours

Material Includes

  • Included in the Basic Edition
  • Included in the Premium Edition
  • Included in the Team Edition
  • Included in the Enterprise Edition