Email Marketing & Ads

Last Update March 25, 2023
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About This Course

An Email Marketing & Ads Workshop is a training session that teaches participants how to effectively use email marketing and advertising to drive business growth. The workshop covers topics such as email list building, segmentation, targeting, and email content creation. Participants will learn how to create effective email campaigns that convert leads into customers, as well as how to use email ads to target specific audiences and increase brand awareness. The workshop will also cover best practices for measuring and optimizing email campaigns for maximum ROI. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a solid understanding of how to use email marketing and ads to achieve their business goals.

Learning Objectives

Building a targeted email list
Creating effective email marketing campaigns
Understanding and using email analytics
Optimizing email content for conversions
Implementing A/B testing for email campaigns
Using email automation to streamline marketing efforts
Integrating email marketing with other digital marketing channels
Crafting effective email subject lines
Designing mobile-responsive email templates
Using retargeting ads to reach email subscribers.

Material Includes

  • Included in the Basic Edition
  • Included in the Premium Edition
  • Included in the Team Edition
  • Included in the Enterprise Edition


  • No prerequisite knowledge or experience needed.
  • All instructions is sent out after purchase

Target Audience

  • Marketing professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, freelancers, salespeople, corporations, startups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), e-commerce managers, and anyone interested in learning how to use email marketing to reach and engage with their audience


3h 52m

Email Marketing & Ads

59 $

Duration 3.9 hours

Material Includes

  • Included in the Basic Edition
  • Included in the Premium Edition
  • Included in the Team Edition
  • Included in the Enterprise Edition

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