Emails & SEO

Last Update March 25, 2023
0 already enrolled

About This Course

The “Emails & SEO” workshop is designed to help businesses improve their email marketing campaigns and optimize their search engine rankings. The workshop covers a range of topics, including how to write compelling email subject lines and content that engages readers, how to build targeted email lists, and how to measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns. In addition, participants will learn how to incorporate SEO strategies into their email marketing efforts, including optimizing email content for search engines and using email to drive traffic to their website. The workshop is ideal for businesses looking to improve their email marketing efforts and increase their online visibility through improved SEO.

Learning Objectives

Email marketing and its impact on SEO
Using email campaigns to improve search engine rankings
The role of email newsletters in SEO
Best practices for using email to enhance your website's SEO
Building high-quality backlinks through email outreach
How to use email to improve user engagement and increase website traffic
Incorporating targeted keywords into your email campaigns to boost SEO
Measuring the effectiveness of email campaigns on SEO using analytics
How email can be used to support local SEO efforts
Strategies for optimizing email content for search engines.

Material Includes

  • Included in the Basic Edition
  • Included in the Premium Edition
  • Included in the Team Edition
  • Included in the Enterprise Edition


  • No prerequisite knowledge or experience needed.
  • All instructions is sent out after purchase

Target Audience

  • Marketing professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, freelancers, salespeople, corporations, startups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), e-commerce managers, and anyone interested in learning how to use email marketing to reach and engage with their audience


4h 30m

Emails & SEO

image-1 copy 36

39 $

Duration 4.5 hours

Material Includes

  • Included in the Basic Edition
  • Included in the Premium Edition
  • Included in the Team Edition
  • Included in the Enterprise Edition

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