Emails & Users Lists

Last Update March 25, 2023
0 already enrolled

About This Course

The “Emails & Users Lists” workshop is designed to help individuals and organizations optimize their email marketing strategies. During this workshop, participants will learn how to create effective email lists, segment their audience, and craft compelling emails that engage and convert subscribers. The workshop will cover topics such as building targeted lists, writing subject lines and email content that grab attention, creating calls to action that drive clicks, and measuring the success of email campaigns. Whether you are just starting out with email marketing or looking to improve your existing campaigns, this workshop will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

Learning Objectives

Building an Email List: Strategies and Best Practices
Email Marketing: Techniques to Boost Open and Click-Through Rates
Email Campaign Segmentation: How to Personalize Your Messages
GDPR and Email Marketing: Ensuring Compliance with Privacy Regulations
Email Automation: Saving Time and Boosting Engagement
Email Design: Creating Engaging Emails That Convert
Email List Hygiene: Best Practices for Maintaining a Clean Email List
Building a Quality Email List: Tactics to Increase Subscriber Engagement
Creating Effective Email Subject Lines That Encourage Opens
Email Deliverability: Strategies to Avoid the Spam Folder.

Material Includes

  • Included in the Basic Edition
  • Included in the Premium Edition
  • Included in the Team Edition
  • Included in the Enterprise Edition


  • No prerequisite knowledge or experience needed.
  • All instructions is sent out after purchase

Target Audience

  • Marketing professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, freelancers, salespeople, corporations, startups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), e-commerce managers, and anyone interested in learning how to use email marketing to reach and engage with their audience


4h 15m

Emails & Users Lists

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39 $

Duration 4.3 hours

Material Includes

  • Included in the Basic Edition
  • Included in the Premium Edition
  • Included in the Team Edition
  • Included in the Enterprise Edition

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